I am already starting to think, which dogs do I want to qualify, in what events, how will I achieve those goals etc...
Nationals will be in October, outdoors at Dick's Sporting Good's Park. Of course that time of year the weather comes to mind, after all it is Colorado! We have been known to have snow one day and be 70 degrees (21 c) the next day. This weekend, it was sunny and warm Friday, cold and snowing (nothing stuck to the ground) on Saturday, partly sunny but cool on Sunday. Today, Oct 10th, it was an almost perfect 60 degree sunny day!
I went back and looked at the last 10 years, what was the weather like on Oct. 10th, the starting day of Nationals.

For the most part, we didn't have any precipitation the week of October 10th. So, if history repeats itself, it could be fairly nice. We don't have a history of being hot this time of year, so the dogs and handlers should be pleased to run in the cooler temps.
If you plan on attending the Nationals next year, one thing is for sure. Bring layers. This time of year Colorado always has cool mornings and the temps can swing 30 to 40 degrees in a day.
Whenever I go to trials out of state I always try to search maps, and google for information about the surrounding area. I want to know where I can walk my dog off leash, eat where I can park in the shade, find near by stores, and stay in hotels that are nice, but dog friendly. Since I live in the area, I am thinking about blogging from time to time though out the year with helpful information for those who will be attending USDAA Nationals from out of state. Perhaps things like dog friendly places, dealing with the altitude, hikes with dogs, not sure what else. If you have suggestions, leave a comment!